Randy Willis | Lady Bird Johnson

The last time I saw Lady Bird Johnson was at the Headliners Club in Austin, Texas.

This inscription is on the inside cover of her book, Wildflowers Across America. She had it hand-delivered to me at my home in Austin.

The Texas bluebonnets in bloom this month remind me of her.

Photo of note to Randy Willis from three generations of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s family: Lady Bird Johnson, Luci Baines Johnson, and Nicole Nugent Covert.

Vaya con Dios,

Randy Willis #randywillis #ladybirdjohnson


Randy Willis Lady Bird Johnson

Randy Willis #randy willis

Randy Willis | Randy Willis

Randy Willis | Randy Willis

Randy Willis

Randy Willis is an American novelist, biographer, rancher, and music publisher. Randy Willis is the author of Twice a Slave, Three Winds Blowing, Louisiana Wind, Beckoning Candle, The Apostle to the Opelousas, The Story of Joseph Willis, and many magazine and newspaper articles.  http://threewindsblowing.com

Randy Willis



Randy Willis is an American novelist, biographer, rancher, and music publisher.  Website: http://threewindsblowing.com
Amazon author’s page:http://amazon.com/author/randywillis
Three Winds Blowing trailer
Twice a Slave trailer:
Twice a Slave, the play trailer:
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