Randy Willis

“Gatsby hesitated, then added cooly: “He’s the man who fixed the World Series back in 1919.” FScott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby 
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Seven weeks before 1919 began, World War I ended. 
In 1919, Norman Saurage discovered the secret of making my all-time favorite coffee in Baton Rouge. He named it Community Coffee. 
In 1919, the Eighteenth Amendment was ratified, authorizing the prohibition of alcoholic beverages. 
In 1919, an influenza pandemic carried on, killing 675,000 people in the United States.
In 1919, Congress approved the 19th amendment to legalize women’s suffrage. The next year my seven-year-old mother received the right to vote when she came of age.  
In 1919, Arnold Rothstein paid members of the Chicago White Sox to lose the World Series deliberately 
In 1919 my all-time favorite sport’s hero, a baseball player, was born, Jackie Robinson.
And in 1919, my all-time hero was born, my father, Julian “Jake” Willis.
His biography—Fall, 2021. 
Randy Willis
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Nick tells Gatsby, “You can’t repeat the past,” Gatsby replies, “Why of course you can.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby 


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